Event Registration

Red White & Blue Bash 2025
11/01/2025 05:30 PM - 11/02/2025 11:55 PM ET

Ticket Options

Ticket Price Quantity
Single Ticket for general admission
Make sure you're sitting with all your friends - grab a whole table!
TABLE FOR 10 PLUS 10 VIP TICKETS (3 remaining)
Grab a table of 10 and sit with your friends plus receive a discount on our pre-VIP experience at PC Social before the bash. Private meet and greet with special guest, apps and drinks included.
VIP Meet & Greet UPGRADE
Enjoy a meet and greet with a very special guest at Palm City Social pre event. Apps and drinks provided. 3:30 - 5:00 PM.
GOLD STAR SPONSOR (6 remaining)
LOGO RECOGNITION ON EVERY TABLE! Logo recognition on powerpoint during event, Company table (10 dinner & 10 VIP tickets) with Priority Seating, Recognition on social media & website, Availability to place 2 large company banners in key areas at event
RED SPONSOR (3 remaining)
Logo recognition on PowerPoint during event, 6 Dinner Tickets & 4 VIP Tickets. Recognition on Social Media platforms, Availability to place 1 large company banner at event
WHITE SPONSOR (2 remaining)
Logo recognition on PowerPoint during event, 4 Dinner Tickets, Recognition on Social Media platforms
Logo recognition on PowerPoint during event, 2 Dinner Tickets
VALET SPONSOR (1 remaining)
Your name/logo will be posted at Valet Station throughout the night!
General Sponsor for business, no tickets given.

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